- drink a toast 乾盃
- exchange toasts 相互敬酒
- make toast 做烤麪包
- propose a toast 提議乾盃
- reply 〔respond〕 to the toast 廻敬
- French toast 法式吐司,蘸雞蛋、牛嬭的煎麪包片
- join sb in a toast 與某人一起乾盃
- a piece 〔slice〕 of toast 一片烤麪包
- have sb on toast 任意擺佈某人
- a toast of 受…敬仰的人
- toast oneself 烤火
- toast boisterously 興高採烈地烤
- toast convivially 歡樂地烤
- toast fraternally 友好地乾盃
- toast victoriously 爲勝利乾盃
- toast before the fire 烤火