- A switchman sat in a small shack on one side of the river where he operated the controls to turn the bridge and lock it into place as the train crossed.
blog.sina.com.cn - "No one is ever satisfied where he is, " said the switchman.
“人們是從來(lái)也不會(huì)滿意自己所在的地方的?!?扳道工說(shuō)。 - "I sort out travelers, in bundles of a thousand, " said the switchman. "I send off the trains that carry them; now to the right, now to the left.
blog.sina.com.cn - They would be higher people, although he himself—their grandfather—was a nobody, just a switchman on a section of double track in a forest.
NEWYORKER: Among Animals and Plants - The switchman lifted his head from the rail, blew his nose, brushed the dirt off his clothes, and adopted a serious, dignified expression.
NEWYORKER: Among Animals and Plants - The switchman tried to explain to his wife that a wicked woman was still a woman—and therefore not so very different from a wife.
NEWYORKER: Among Animals and Plants 返回 switchman