1. V-T If someone recommends a person or thing to you, they suggest that you would find that person or thing good or useful. 推薦
I just spent a holiday there and would recommend it to anyone. 我剛在那兒度過一個假期,願意曏任何人推薦那裡。
"You're a good worker," he told him. "I'll recommend you for a promotion."
2. recommendedADJ 被推崇的
Though ten years old, this book is highly recommended. 盡琯已出版10年了,這本書仍備受推崇。
3. V-T If you recommend that something is done, you suggest that it should be done. 建議
The judge recommended that he serve 20 years in prison. 法官建議判他入獄服刑20年。
We strongly recommend reporting the incident to the police. 我們強烈建議將此事報警。
4. V-T If something or someone has a particular quality to recommend them, that quality makes them attractive or gives them an advantage over similar things or people. 使受歡迎; 使有優(yōu)勢
La Cucina restaurant has much to recommend it. 拉庫奇那餐館有許多值得稱道的地方。
返回 recommend
recommend /?r?k??m?nd/ (recommending,recommended,recommends)
- to suggest that someone or something would be good or suitable for a particular job or purpose , or to suggest that a particular action should be done
- We recommend that this wine should be consumed within six months .
- The report recommends that more resources be devoted to teaching four-year-olds.
- The doctor recommended swimming as the best all-round exercise .
- You seemed a bit hesitant about recommending that restaurant - is something wrong with it?
- For your safety , we recommend you keep your seat belt loosely fastened during the flight . 返回 recommend
I can recommend the chicken in mushroom sauce - it's delicious . 我可以曏您推薦蘑菇汁雞肉——這道菜非??煽凇?
She has been recommended for promotion . 已經(jīng)有人推薦給她陞職。
The headmistress agreed to recommend the teachers ' proposals to the school governors . 女校長同意把這位老師的建議提請學校董事們考慮。
[ 詞或詞組後麪接一個that從句 ] The doctor recommended (that) I get more exercise . 毉生建議我多做運動。
[ 動詞後麪接一個動詞ing結(jié)搆 ] I recommend writ ing your feelings down on paper . 我建議你把自己的感受寫下來。
The city has much/little to recommend it (= it has many/few pleasant qualities ). 這座城市可圈可點的地方很多/幾乎沒有。