- The first half of the word oxy- means “sharp.”
單詞的前半部分oxy- 意思是“有刺激性的,敏銳的”。 - Or, if you translate that into fancy scientific Latin and Greek, oxy-gen; since gen means “make” or “generate.”
由於酸中有刺激性的,敏銳的東西,産生酸的原料就被成爲“産酸物”,或者,如果你將其轉(zhuǎn)化成精致科學的拉丁語或希臘語,那就是 oxy-gen ;因爲gen的含義是“制造”或“産生”。 - Occidental Petroleum ( OXY - news - people ) and others reduced debt loads by doing precisely that--exchanging their debts for cash or equity.
FORBES: Catalytic Tax Changes - Two other techniques, called gasification and oxy-combustion, work by reacting coal with pure oxygen rather than air, and thus produce exhausts that require little treatment before burial.
ECONOMIST: Carbon capture and storage - But in May 2006 Ecuador seized the fields of Occidental Petroleum (nyse: OXY - news - people ), claiming that the company had violated its operating contract.
FORBES: Chavistas in Quito 返回 oxy-