- A fast-running wild ass(Equus hemionus subsp. onager) of central Asia, having an erect mane and a broad black stripe along its back.
中亞野驢一種跑得很快的野生驢(馬屬波斯野驢亞種中亞野驢),産於亞洲中部,長有竪立的鬃毛,而且背上有一條很寬的黑色條紋 - Put an onager in a city and sally forth when someone attacks, you can destroy them without them attacking you.
在城裡放個弩砲,儅有人攻城時,出擊,他們打不到你,而你能打到他們。 - The onager represents the nomadic tribes, an untamable ferity and passion and the limitless frontiers and dreams where we had galloped before.
矇古野驢代表了遊牧民族,代表了一種不受馴服的野性和激情,代表了我們曾經馳騁的無界的邊疆和夢想。 - a fast-running wild ass(Equus hemionus subsp. onager) of central Asia,having an erect mane and a broad black stripe along its back
一種跑得很快的野生驢(馬屬波斯野驢亞種中亞野驢),産於亞洲中部,長有竪立的鬃毛,而且背上有一條很寬的黑色條紋 返回 onager