- adv.柔軟的;四肢無力的;松弛的
- All this helps to explain why Mr Gingrich is polling rather limply, despite his high name-recognition.
這一切有助於解釋爲(wèi)什麼金瑞奇先生獲得的民意支持較弱,盡琯他有著較高的聲望。 - The daffodils which challenge so proudly and splendidly the boisterous March winds are soon shriveled and defeated, limply wrinkling to remind us of the inevitable ravages of time.
曾經(jīng)那麼驕傲而煇煌地迎戰(zhàn)三月狂暴寒風(fēng)的水仙,不久就會凋零衰敗,無力而皺巴巴地提醒我們由時間造成的不可避免的損害和創(chuàng)傷。 - The bullet scar on Eduardo’s chest and the beaten right arm hanging limply by his side are signs of the violence that has come to engulf Guatemala and much of the Central American isthmus.
Eduardo胸前的子彈疤痕和他耷拉在身旁的被廢掉的右臂,無一不揭示了暴力正蓆卷著危地馬拉和中美地峽的大部分地區(qū)。 - Fifty-eight years old, he was invariably dishevelled, in an old jacket and trousers that hung limply on his narrow frame.
NEWYORKER: Union Man - It hung limply by my side like an elephant's trunk.
NPR: 'Guys Read:' Encouraging Boys to Love Books - Most secretaries of state seem at sea when they are not overseas: Mr Baker once tried to explain the Gulf war by saying limply that, well, it did mean jobs.
ECONOMIST: Madeleine s’en va-t-en guerre