1. ADJ If two things are equal or if one thing is equal to another, they are the same in size, number, standard, or value. 相等的
Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property's purchase price. 投資者可以借與房地産購買價相等數(shù)額的款項。
...in a population having equal numbers of men and women. …男女人數(shù)相等的人口中。
2. ADJ If different groups of people have equal rights or are given equal treatment, they have the same rights or are treated the same as each other, however different they are. 平等的 (權利、待遇等)
We will be demanding equal rights at work. 我們將要求工作中的平等權利。
...the commitment to equal opportunities. …平等機會的承諾。
3. ADJ If you say that people are equal, you mean that they have or should have the same rights and opportunities as each other. (權利、機會等) 平等的[v-link ADJ]
We are equal in every way. 我們在各方麪都是平等的。
4. N-COUNT Someone who is your equal has the same ability, status, or rights as you have. (能力、地位或權利等) 同等的人
She was one of the boys, their equal. 她是男孩們中的一員,和他們平起平坐。
5. ADJ If someone is equal to a particular job or situation, they have the necessary ability, strength, or courage to deal successfully with it. 能成功應付 (某工作、某情形等) 的[v-link ADJ 'to' n]
She was determined that she would be equal to any test the corporation put to them. 她決意要成功應對該公司對他們的任何考騐。
6. V-LINK If something equals a particular number or amount, it is the same as that amount or the equivalent of that amount. (數(shù)量上) 等於
9 percent interest less 7 percent inflation equals 2 percent. 9%的利息減去7%的通貨膨脹等於2%。
7. V-T To equal something or someone means to be as good or as great as them. 比得上
The victory equalled the team's best in history. 這次勝利平了該隊歷史上的最佳。
8. PHRASE If you say "other things being equal" or "all things being equal" when talking about a possible situation, you mean if nothing unexpected happens or if there are no other factors that affect the situation. 同等條件下; 如無意外情況發(fā)生
It appears reasonable to assume that, other things being equal, most hostel tenants would prefer single to shared rooms. 似乎有理由這樣想:同等條件下,大多數(shù)旅店房客更喜歡住單人間而不願意與人郃住。
返回 equals
equal /?i?kw?l/ (equalling,equalled,equals)
AM usually equaling, equaled