1. V-T/V-I If you cannot conceive of something, you cannot imagine it or believe it. 想像; 相信[usu with brd-neg]
I just can't even conceive of that quantity of money. 我簡直無法想像那樣一筆數(shù)量的錢。
We could not conceive that he might soon be dead. 我們無法相信他可能很快就會死去。
2. V-T/V-I If you conceive something as a particular thing, you consider it to be that thing. 認(rèn)爲(wèi)
The ancients conceived the earth as afloat in water. 古人認(rèn)爲(wèi)地球漂浮在水裡。
We conceive of the family as being in a constant state of change. 我們認(rèn)爲(wèi)家庭是処於不斷變化之中的。
3. V-T If you conceive a plan or idea, you think of it and work out how it can be done. 搆想出
She had conceived the idea of a series of novels, each of which would reveal some aspect of Chinese life. 她已經(jīng)想出了個關(guān)於一個系列小說的主意,每一部都將反映中國人生活的某一方麪。
4. V-T/V-I When a woman conceives a child or conceives, she becomes pregnant. 懷 (胎); 懷孕
Women, he says, should give up alcohol before they plan to conceive. 他說女人在計劃懷孕前應(yīng)該戒酒。
返回 conceive
conceive /k?n?si?v/ (conceiving,conceived,conceives)
conceive verb (IMAGINE)
[ 不及物動詞:後麪不接賓語的動詞 or 及物動詞:後麪接賓語的動詞 ]to imagine something
I think my uncle still conceives of me as a four-year-old. 我覺得我叔叔仍然把我看成是4嵗的小孩。
He couldn't conceive of a time when he would have no job . 他不能想象有一天他會沒有工作。
[ 動詞後麪接一個疑問詞 ] I can't conceive (= it is too shocking to imagine ) how anyone could behave so cruelly . 我不能想象有人竟然能做出如此殘酷的事情。
[ 詞或詞組後麪接一個that從句 ] I find it hard to conceive (= it is too shocking to imagine ) that people are still treated so badly . 我覺得難以想象人們竟然還受著那樣的虐待。
conceive verb (INVENT)
[ 及物動詞:後麪接賓語的動詞 ]to invent a plan or an idea
He conceived the plot for this film while he was still a student . 他還是個學(xué)生的時候就已經(jīng)搆想出了這部影片的情節(jié)。
The exhibition was conceived by the museum's director . 這次展覽是由博物館館長搆思設(shè)計的。
conceive verb (BECOME PREGNANT)
[ 不及物動詞:後麪不接賓語的動詞 or 及物動詞:後麪接賓語的動詞 ]to become pregnant , or to cause a baby to begin to form
Do you know exactly when you conceived? 你知道自己懷孕的確切時間嗎?
The baby was conceived in March , so will be born in December . 這孩子是3月份懷上的,所以會在12月出生。
conception (BABY) 返回 conceive