1. ADJ If you are clad in particular clothes, you are wearing them. 身著…服裝的[文學(xué)性]
...the figure of a woman, clad in black. …一個身穿黑衣的女子的身影。
Johnson was clad casually in slacks and a light blue golf shirt. 約翰遜隨意地穿著一條休閑褲和一件淡藍色的高爾夫襯衫。
2. COMB in ADJ Clad is also a combining form. 搆詞法,表示“穿著...衣服”
...the leather-clad biker. …那個身著皮衣的摩托車手。
3. ADJ A building, part of a building, or mountain that is clad with something is covered by that thing. 被…覆蓋的[文學(xué)性] [v-link ADJ 'in/with' n]
The walls and floors are clad with ceramic tiles. 牆麪和地板都貼上了瓷甎。
4. COMB in ADJ Clad is also a combining form. 搆詞法,表示“…覆蓋的”
...the distant shapes of snow-clad mountains. …白雪覆蓋的群山遠景。
5. V to bond a metal to (another metal), esp to form a protective coating 把兩塊金屬黏在一起(以形成保護層)
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