- His blubbery body filled and seemed to hang over the edges of the chair .
他那胖乎乎的身子填滿了椅子,似乎懸在椅子的扶手上。 - As sushi and sashimi, it was fatty and chewy with a bland, blubbery taste — like salmon that's been kept out too long.
壽司和刺身裡的鯨魚很油膩,嚼起來(lái)淡而無(wú)味,滿嘴都是鯨脂的味道——有點(diǎn)像放久了的三文魚。 - They have a sweet kitty cat nose, big dark eyes and those silly flippers that make you think that they might be an interbred of a dolphin, a cat and a calf into a blubbery ball of soft fury cuteness.
他們有一個(gè)甜蜜小貓一樣的鼻子,大大的黑眼睛和哪些感覺傻乎乎的腳蹼,這不得不讓人們聯(lián)想到,他們是不是由一個(gè)大海豚,一個(gè)小貓和一個(gè)牛犢填到一個(gè)堆滿脂肪的柔軟可愛的大氣球裡麪而來(lái)呢? - The corporate raiders treated it as a blubbery target rather than a role model.
ECONOMIST: Harold Geneen 返回 blubbery