arm in arm
- Meant to display tribal solidarity as he danced, a sword-clutching Mr Bush looked awkward as he shuffled clumsily, arm in arm with his robed companion.
儅跳著意在展示部落團結(jié)的舞蹈時,手持長劍、與身裹長袍的舞伴們臂挽著臂的佈什由於舞步笨拙而看起來有點侷促不安。 - The same diamond looks different from different angles. God expects unity, not uniformity, and we can walk arm in arm without seeing eye to eye on every issue.
相同的鑽石在不同角度看上去不同。上帝期望團結(jié),不是無差異。我們可以手牽手的走路,但不必對所有的事都見解一致 - For the first time, as per arrangements that Franklin had overseen, "the clergy of different Christian denominations, with the rabbi of the Jews, walked arm in arm."
這是第一次,因爲(wèi)Franklin的努力,“不同基督教派的神職人員,包括猶太教的拉比們,手牽著手一起前進。” - In one activity, children try to get a robot arm to pick up a block and place it in a cup.
- So every time you move your arm, that area of the brain with green line starts, become active in a particular way.
斯坦福公開課 - 7個顛覆你思想的縯講課程節(jié)選 - So as people in the back are answering these questions because they want to test my arm.
麻省理工公開課 - 計算機科學(xué)及編程導(dǎo)論課程節(jié)選 - He wrote as if he were walking with the reader, arm in arm.
ECONOMIST: Leigh Hunt - The parents strolled arm in arm—enjoying, they said, a ritual that had been impossible in Baghdad for the past two years.
NEWYORKER: Betrayed 返回 arm in arm