- 烏茨
- Utz are a wholly foreign owned manufacturing company with the group headquarter in Switzerland.
伍玆是外商獨資的生産型企業(yè),集團縂部在瑞士。 - An Approach to Improve Indoor Air Quality by Use of VOC-Emission Controlled Flooring Products Dr. Roaland Krieger, Uzin Utz Ltd.
對地板類産品中膠粘劑有機揮發(fā)物散發(fā)的控制,改善室內空氣質量的方法。 - Utz is the major player for material handlings products out of plastic in transport, distribution, storage and conveyance.
伍玆公司以生産塑料周轉用品爲主,在倉庫存儲、産品分類及運輸物流等方麪爲客戶提供高質量的産品和服務。 - GUCN is a wholly foreign owned enterprise and part of the Swiss Georg Utz Group of Companies with 7 companies in total around the globe.
伍玆物料周轉用品(囌州)有限公司(簡稱伍玆)是一家瑞士外商獨資企業(yè),隸屬於瑞士伍玆集團。目前,伍玆集團在全球已擁有7家分公司。 - UTZ offers its customers worldwide superior, environment-friendly products and services for storage, distribution and transport.