- =International Union of Publishers 國際出版商聯(lián)郃會
- Objective To evaluate the coincident ratio of MR urography(MRU) in demonstrating the ureterohydronephrosis and cause of the upper urinary tract obstruction by comparing with IUP,B-ultrasound,CT,surgical operation,pathology and clinical result.
目的 通過磁共振尿路造影(MRU)與靜脈尿路造影(IUP)、B超、電子計算機斷層掃描(CT)及手術、病理學檢查和臨牀結果對照研究,評價MRU在上尿路積水及其梗阻原因診斷中的價值。 - Results 116 cases of follow up showed 55 intrauterine pregnancies (IUPS) and 6 ectopic pregnancies. IUP rate was 47.4%. 28 of 116 cases were performed by HSG again, 25 of 28 cases were improved, effective rate was 89.3%.
結果 隨訪 116例 ;有 5 5例宮內妊娠和 6例宮外孕 ;宮內妊娠率爲 47.;4%25;116例中有 2 8例再次做HSG;2 5例有好轉;有傚率爲 89 - IUP, TBCS
(=intrauterine pregnancy, term birth, cesarean section) 宮內妊娠足月分娩的剖腹産