- 英式音標 [?st?ɡ.m?]
- 美式音標 [?st?ɡ.m?]
- 國際音標 ['stiɡm(xù)?]
- 英式發(fā)音
- 美式發(fā)音
- n. [植] 柱頭;恥辱;污名;烙??;特征
- stig(看作sting,刺痛) + ma(看作me,我)→污名深深刺痛我的心
- adj性質的同根詞
- stigmatic:有烙印的;丑惡的;不名譽的;氣孔的;小紅斑的。
- n性質的同根詞
- stigmatic:有圣痕的人。
- v性質的同根詞
- stigmatise:使……蒙上污名。
- vt性質的同根詞
- stigmatize:誣蔑;玷污;給…打上烙印。
- occupational stigma 職業(yè)特征
- stigma hair [植]柱頭毛;柱狀晶
- A stigma 難為情;恥辱
- plumose stigma [植]羽狀柱頭;詳細翻譯
- Fight Stigma 反抗污名
- (FEELING) a strong feeling of disapproval that most people in a society have about something, especially when this is unfair
- (FLOWER PART) the top of the central female part of a flower, where pollen is received
- If something has a stigma attached to it, people think it is something to be ashamed of.
- 柱頭
The pollen ofCrambe abssynica was hardly ever observed binding to the stigma of B. napus.
- 恥辱
Perceived HIV/AIDS related stigma of volunteers was also evaluated through simplified BHSS.
并了解受試感知到的艾滋病相關恥辱。 - 病恥感
Objective:To develop a standard scale to measure the stigma of mental illness.
目的:編制測量精神病患者遭受歧視水平的病恥感評估量表。 - 羞恥感
The type of attack(mainly GTCS),course of disease,the type of medication,side effects of antiepileptic drugs,anxiety,depression and stigma in children with epilepsy were important factors in QOL.
2.癲癇發(fā)作類型(本研究病例中全身強直陣攣發(fā)作)、病程、服藥種類、抗癲癇藥物的不良反應、焦慮抑郁的情緒和患者的羞恥感是影響癲癇患兒生活質量的重要因素。 - 污名
Furthermore, the qualitative portion of the research yielded the following results: (1)Stigma and discrimination are the prohibitive reasons why HIV/AIDS patients have few sources of social support.
并且通過質的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),以下原因影響艾滋病感染者/患者當前社會支持的現(xiàn)狀和格局。 (1)污名和歧視是影響艾滋病感染者/患者總體支持來源少的根本原因。生物學
- 柱頭
The stamens shed off when the three lobes of stigma of the same capitulum separate from each other and arch outward.
柱頭外翻時,雄蕊已全部脫落,下一級側軸上的頭狀花序的雄蕊已發(fā)育成熟并外露。 - 翅痣
- 點斑
- 氣門
- 點班
- 眼點;柱頭;卵胞上的三叉線
- 氣門;點斑;翅痣;眼點;柱頭;小梗
- 污名
This questionnaire has good reliability and validity, it can be used as a tool for measuring AIDS stigma of college students.
該問卷具有較好的信度和效度,可以作為測量大學生艾滋污名的有效測量工具。 - 恥辱
A situational analysis of HIV/AIDS related stigma and discrimination were carried out for the first time in China from 2002 April to 2003 February.
為了解與艾滋病相關的恥辱和歧視,我們于2002年4月—2003年2月首次在中國進行與艾滋病相關的制度性歧視和艾滋病病毒感染者/病人感受到的恥辱的現(xiàn)狀研究。 - 羞辱
The results show that HIV/AIDS related stigma and discrimination exist in ten key fields of social life.
- 羞恥感
- 圣疤
- 眼點