1. N-COUNT If you have a shock, something suddenly happens which is unpleasant, upsetting, or very surprising. 震驚
The extent of the violence came as a shock. 暴力的程度令人震驚。
He has never recovered from the shock of your brother's death. 他從來沒有從你兄弟的死所帶來的震驚中恢復過來。
2. N-UNCOUNT Shock is a person's emotional and physical condition when something very frightening or upsetting has happened to them. (身心受到的) 驚嚇
The little boy was speechless with shock. 這個小男孩被嚇得說不出話來。
3. N-UNCOUNT If someone is in shock, they are suffering from a serious physical condition in which their blood is not flowing around their body properly, for example, because they have had a bad injury. 休克
He was found beaten and in shock. 他被發(fā)現(xiàn)遭到毆打,處于休克中。
4. V-T If something shocks you, it makes you feel very upset, because it involves death or suffering and because you had not expected it. 使震驚
After forty years in the police force nothing much shocks me. 在警察部門干了40年后,沒有什么能令我非常震驚了。
5. shockedADJ 震驚的
This was a nasty attack and the woman is still very shocked. 這是一次嚴重的襲擊,這個女人仍然感到非常震驚。
6. V-T/V-I If someone or something shocks you, it upsets or offends you because you think it is vulgar or morally wrong. 使不快; 不快
You can't shock me. 你不會讓我生氣。
They were easily shocked in those days. 他們那時候容易被激怒。
...the desire to shock
7. shockedADJ 生氣的
Don't look so shocked. 別這么生氣。
8. N-VAR A shock is the force of something suddenly hitting or pulling something else. 沖擊力
Steel barriers can bend and absorb the shock. 鐵柵欄會彎曲并吸收沖擊力。
9. N-COUNT A shock is the same as an . 電擊
10. N a thick bushy mass, esp of hair (尤指頭發(fā))濃密厚重的一把
11. →see also electric shock
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