1. V-T If you resist something such as a change, you refuse to accept it and try to prevent it. 抵制
They resisted our attempts to modernize the distribution of books. 他們抵制我們將書籍發(fā)行現(xiàn)代化的努力。
2. V-T/V-I If you resist someone or resist an attack by them, you fight back against them. 反抗
The man was shot outside his house as he tried to resist arrest. 那個男人因為試圖拒捕在他住宅外被擊中。
When she attempted to cut his nails he resisted. 當(dāng)她試圖給他剪指甲時,他反抗了。
3. V-T If you resist doing something, or resist the temptation to do it, you stop yourself from doing it although you would like to do it. 抗拒[oft with neg]
Congress should resist the temptation to try quick economic fixes. 國會應(yīng)該抗拒嘗試快速經(jīng)濟(jì)調(diào)整的誘惑。
4. V-T If someone or something resists damage of some kind, they are not damaged. 抵抗住
...bodies trained and toughened to resist the cold. …經(jīng)過鍛煉和強化能抵抗寒冷的身體。
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