redundancy package
- Adrienne and Kelly Lumpkin got their start with the help of a redundancy package Mr Lumpkin received from IBM in the early 1990s when Big Blue was in trouble.
20世紀90年代初,當(dāng)“巨藍”陷入困境的時候,艾德麗安-倫普金和凱莉-倫普金由于IBM公司給倫普金先生的裁員大禮包而獲得啟動資金。 - I have given a redundancy employee one more month package, just because her family just met some difficulty. I was blamed by company for not following policy strictly.
我曾經(jīng)違反公司政策給了一個被裁減的員工多一個月的福利,因為她的家庭遭遇困難。 - So what would you expect from a redundancy package then?
遣散裁員的一攬子補償。 返回 redundancy package