- On abuse, on reproach, on calumny, it is easy to smile; but painful indeed, is the panegyric of those we contemn .
面對謾罵、非難,中傷而一笑置之,那是容易的;可是,老實說,要藐視這些頌詞卻是需要費點兒力氣的。 - Nevertheless people have a panegyric on the eight phenomena. Therefore the spirit of this world is distorted. it has become a stubborn disease and beyond cure.
然而,世人對這八種現(xiàn)象卻是推崇備至。因此,這個世界的精神層面,早已扭曲紛亂,成為陳年痼疾,根深柢固,而不可救藥矣! - Last week Michael Howard, the Conservative leader, gave a speech that began as a panegyric to Britain and ended as an orthodox recitation of Conservative plans.
上周保守黨領(lǐng)袖邁克爾?霍華德的演講以贊頌英國開頭,按慣例以背誦保守黨的綱領(lǐng)結(jié)尾。 返回 panegyric