- He figures finding a magnetic monopole would put him on the fast track for a Nobel Prize.
他幻想著找到一個(gè)磁單極子而把他送上獲得諾貝爾獎(jiǎng)的快車道:他是對(duì)的。 - What if you tried to be clever and make a monopole by cutting the magnet above in half? Too bad.
如果你假裝聰明,想到通過(guò)把磁體切成兩半來(lái)獲得磁單極子,會(huì)怎么樣呢? - It was just a garden variety platinum nucleus pretending to be a monopole by cleverly decaying into osmium and tantalum.
它只是一個(gè)巧妙地通過(guò)衰變成鋨和鉭而假裝成磁單極子的普通的鉑原子核。 - Scrutinising the glass under a microscope (after treating it with appropriate chemicals) would make it clear if a monopole had turned up or not.
ECONOMIST: Magnetic monopoles: Absence of evidence The - The path of a monopole would have a distinctive pattern—lots of damage at the beginning of its journey and very little towards the end of it.
ECONOMIST: Magnetic monopoles: Absence of evidence The - Although the grand prize of all this searching would be to find a monopole, a close second would be a conclusive result that they do not exist.
ECONOMIST: Magnetic monopoles: Absence of evidence The 返回 monopole