柯林斯詞典lifelike /?la?f?la?k/ 1. ADJ Something that is lifelike has the appearance of being alive. 像有生命的 ...a lifelike doll. ...一個(gè)像真人的玩偶。 返回 lifelike劍橋詞典used to describe something that appears real or very similar to what is real 逼真的,惟妙惟肖的 A lifelike portrait of his two daughters hung on the wall . 一幅他兩個(gè)女兒非常逼真的畫(huà)像掛在墻上。 The mask was so lifelike it was quite frightening . 這個(gè)面具如此惟妙惟肖,還真是嚇人。 返回 lifelike