- n. 駁船船員(等于keelman);用來測量液體的容器
- n. (Keeler)人名;(英)基勒
- In 1963, Profumo's affair with Keeler was exposed in the press.
1963年,普羅富莫與基勒的情事經(jīng)過媒體曝光,普羅富莫由于向下議院隱瞞了他的情事,迫于輿論只好引咎辭職。 - "I think everybody should have something to say in what's going on in their life and not just take everything for granted, " said Marie Keeler, 101, from Minnesota.
我覺得每個人對自己的未來生活都應該予以關注,而不是把一切都想當然了。 “來自明尼蘇達101歲的瑪麗·凱勒說道。 - Before Keeler it was Paulina, but what I remember most is Mango Street, sad red house, the house I belong but do not belong to.
可我記得最清楚的是芒果街,悲哀的紅色小屋。 我住在那里卻不屬于那里的房子。 - The other members are Patrick Keeler and Jack Lawrence who are part of the band called the Greenhornes.
- In short, like other personae in the Murdochian drama, she scarcely exists outside the appetites of the tabloid press—and there, you might expect, she would remain, as safe a standby as Christine Keeler was.
NEWYORKER: Hack Work - One of the last people to inveigh, with any effect, against that heresy was Cardinal Heenan, the Archbishop of Westminster, who took Murdoch to task, in 1969, for having bought and splashed, or resplashed, the memoirs of Christine Keeler in the News of the World.