1. N-PROPER The name God is given to the spirit or being who is worshipped as the creator and ruler of the world, especially by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. 上帝
He believes in God. 他信奉上帝。
2. CONVENTION People sometimes use God in exclamations to emphasize something that they are saying, or to express surprise, fear, or excitement. This use could cause offence. 天哪[強調]
Oh my God, he's shot somebody. 噢,我的天哪,他向人開了槍。
Good God, it's Mr. Harper!
3. N-COUNT In many religions, a god is one of the spirits or beings that are believed to have power over a particular part of the world or nature. 神
...Zeus, king of the gods. …宙斯,眾神之王。
4. N-COUNT Someone who is admired very much by a person or group of people, and who influences them a lot, can be referred to as a god. 神一般的人物
To his followers he was a god. 對他的追隨者們來說,他是個神一般的人物。
5. PHRASE You can say God knows, God only knows, or God alone knows to emphasize that you do not know something. 天曉得 (用以強調不知情)[強調]
God alone knows what she thinks. 天曉得她想什么。
6. PHRASE If someone says God knows in reply to a question, they mean that they do not know the answer. 天曉得 (用以強調不知道答案)[強調]
"Where is he now?"—"God knows."
7. PHRASE If someone uses expressions such as what in God's name, why in God's name, or how in God's name, they are emphasizing how angry, annoyed, or surprised they are. 到底 (用以強調憤怒、煩惱、吃驚的程度)[非正式]
What in God's name do you expect me to do?
8. PHRASE If a person thinks they are God's gift to someone or something, they think they are perfect or extremely good. 上帝的恩賜[非正式]
Are men God's gift to women? Some of them think they are. 男人是上帝對女人的恩賜嗎?有些男人認為他們是。
9. PHRASE If someone plays God, they act as if they have unlimited power and can do anything they want. 扮上帝[表不滿]
You have no right to play God in my life!
10. PHRASE You can use God in expressions such as I hope to God, or I wish to God, or I swear to God, in order to emphasize what you are saying. 對天 (希望、發(fā)誓)[強調]
I hope to God they are paying you well. 我真心希望他們給你好的報酬。
11. PHRASE If you say God willing, you are saying that something will happen if all goes well. 天公作美
God willing, there will be a breakthrough. 天公作美的話,會有所突破。
12. honest to God→see honest
13. for God's sake→see sake
14. thank God→see thank
返回 god
god /ɡ?d/ (gods)
- The site was named after a Norse god.
- Their sacred dance is performed to invoke ancient gods.
- The children enjoyed the stories about the gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman myth .
- The gods smiled on us and we had brilliant sunshine throughout the day .
- In the various regions of India , Hindus worship different gods and observe different religious festivals .
god noun [C] (SPIRIT)
a spirit or being believed to control some part of the universe or life and often worshipped for doing so, or something that represents this spirit or being(主宰某個領域的)神;神像
the ancient Greek gods and goddesses 古希臘的男女眾神
god noun [C] (ADMIRED PERSON)
someone who is very important to you, who you admire very much, and who strongly influences you
His most devoted fans think of him as a sort of god. 他在大多數(shù)忠實的崇拜者心目中就像是一個神。
god noun [C] (THEATRE)
?the gods [ 名詞的復數(shù)形式 ] UK informalthe seats in a theatre that are at the highest level and the furthest distance from the stage