1. V-T/V-I If a person or place gains something such as an ability or quality, they gradually get more of it. 獲得
Students can gain valuable experience by working on the campus radio or magazine. 學(xué)生們通過在校園廣播臺或??ぷ髂軌颢@得寶貴的經(jīng)驗(yàn)。
His reputation abroad has gained in stature. 他在國外的聲望提高了檔次。
2. V-T/V-I If you gain from something such as an event or situation, you get some advantage or benefit from it. 受益
The company didn't disclose how much it expects to gain from the two deals. 該公司沒有透露它期望從這兩筆交易中獲利多少。
There is absolutely nothing to be gained by feeling bitter. 感受痛苦絕對是毫無益處的。
3. V-T To gain something such as weight or speed means to have an increase in that particular thing. 增加
Some people do gain weight after they stop smoking. 有些人戒煙后的確增加體重了。
The BMW started coming forward, passing the other cars and gaining speed as it approached. 寶馬車開始向前趕,超越了其它車,并且在接近時(shí)加速。
4. N-VAR Gain is also a noun. 增加[usu with supp]
News on new home sales is brighter, showing a gain of nearly 8% in June. 有關(guān)新房銷售的新聞更加樂觀,顯示6月份有近8%的增長。
5. V-T If you gain something, you obtain it, especially after a lot of hard work or effort. (尤指經(jīng)過努力) 得到
To gain a promotion, you might have to work overtime. 為了得到晉升,你可能得加班。
6. N a notch, mortise, or groove, esp one cut to take the flap of a butt hinge 腰槽
7. PHRASE If something such as an idea or an ideal gains ground, it gradually becomes more widely known or more popular. (想法或理想等) 越來越流行
There are strong signs that his views are gaining ground. 有明顯的跡象表明他的觀點(diǎn)正越來越深入人心。
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