- In diaster Investors quickly reactedstock market failed .
投資者迅速做出反應。 - If Love is a beautiful diaster, then my world will crash for you.
若愛情是一場災難,我的世界為你毀滅. - I hope everyone can pray for the hapless victims in the diaster.
我希望每一個人都能為不幸的受害者祈禱。 - A child's age affects the child how repond to the diaster.
孩子的年齡也會影響他們對災難的反應。 - The issurance company will pay for your economical loss in the snow diaster.
保險公司會賠償你在雪災中所蒙受的經濟損失。 - If she would meet any diaster, let me replace, I'd like to sacrifice.
我經常笑,但只是虛偽的笑,有時候生活要求你笑,你只能聽從它的擺布。 返回 diaster