- blow a cool air 吹起一股涼氣
- blow a fuse 燒斷保險絲,〈俚〉勃然大怒
- blow a kiss 送去一個飛吻
- blow glass 吹制玻璃器皿
- blow great guns 刮大風,(風)刮的猛
- blow musical instruments 吹響樂器
- blow one 's papers away 把某人的文件吹跑
- blow the boat ashore 把小船吹向岸邊
- blow the coals 煽動,教唆
- blow the expense 揮霍,瞎花錢
- blow the gaff 〈英俚〉揭露事實真相
- blow the whistle 〈美俚〉告發(fā),揭發(fā),(使)停下來
- blow hot and cold 搖擺不定;喜怒無常
- blow open 吹開
- blow shut 吹閉
- blow strong 刮得很猛
- blow hard 強勁地刮
- blow high 向高處吹
- blow low 向低處吹
- blow adversely 逆風吹
- blow aggressively 過分地刮過
- blow badly 直喘氣
- blow ceaselessly 不停地刮
- blow gently 輕輕地吹
- blow gustily 猛刮
- blow heavily 猛烈地刮
- blow incessantly 不斷地刮
- blow irresistibly 無法阻擋地刮
- blow keenly 寒風刺骨地刮
- blow languorously 無力地刮
- blow lethally 拼命地刮
- blow northerly 吹自北方地
- blow placidly 平靜地刮
- blow shrewdly 凜冽地刮著風
- blow softly 輕輕地吹
- blow southerly 吹自南方地
- blow spasmodically (風)陣陣地刮
- blow tempestuously 暴風雨般地吹
- blow viciously 猛烈地刮
- blow violently 猛烈地刮
- blow widely 到處傳播
- blow about 吹散,傳播
- blow away 吹走;驅(qū)散
- blow down 炸毀;吹倒
- blow down trees 吹倒樹木
- blow in (風)吹進來,非正式訪問
- blow in the dust (風)把灰塵吹進來
- blow off 吹掉;炸掉;埋怨;將放出
- blow off one 's hat 吹掉帽子
- blow round 吹過
- blow the dust off 把灰塵吹掉
- blow the chimney pot down 把煙囪吹倒
- blow the leaves in 把樹葉吹進來
- blow the whistle on 告發(fā)
- blow out 吹熄;爆裂
- blow out one 's brain 以槍打死人
- blow out the candle 吹滅蠟燭
- blow over 平息;被淡忘;消散;停止
- blow sb over 把某人吹倒
- blow up 爆發(fā),爆炸;放大;使充氣
- blow up the enemy bridge 炸毀敵人的橋梁
- blow against one 's face 迎面吹來
- blow at a candle 對準蠟燭吹
- blow for 為…斗爭
- blow from 從…刮風
- blow in gusts (風)一陣一陣地吹
- blow in the wind (旗)迎風飄揚
- blow into sb 's ear 往某人耳里吹風,附耳而言
- blow on 〔upon〕 對…吹氣
- blow on one 's face 吹到臉上
- blow on the mirror 在鏡子上哈氣
- blow through 吹過…
- administer blow 實施攻擊
- aim blow 對準打
- break blow 粉碎性打擊
- breast blow 對著胸部猛打
- deal blow 狠狠打
- deliver blow 打擊
- dodge blow 躲開攻擊
- encounter blow 遇到打擊
- evade blow 逃避打擊
- exchange blow 毆斗,打架
- execute blow 實施攻擊
- experience blow 經(jīng)受打擊
- fetch blow 挨打
- give blow 打
- impart blow 一擊
- inflict blow 實施毀滅性打擊
- interchange blows 輪流打架
- parry blow 忍受打擊
- receive blow 受到打擊
- return blow 回擊
- shower blow 雨點般地打擊
- strike blow 打擊
- suffer blow 受到打擊
- survive blow 幸免挨打
- thrust blow 強行攻擊
- trade blow 互相打起來
- ward off blow 躲開打擊
- accusative blow 譴責性的攻擊
- aggressive blow 挑釁性的攻擊
- amorous blow 情感方面的攻擊
- annihilating blow 消滅性的攻擊
- bitter blow 極大的攻擊
- breathless blow 悄悄的攻擊
- critical blow 決定性的打擊
- cruel blow 殘酷的打擊
- crushing blow 決定性的打擊
- decisive blow 決定性的打擊
- deplorable blow 可悲的打擊
- descending blow 襲擊
- dexterous blow 敏捷的攻擊
- doughty blow 勇猛的攻擊
- drunken blow 搖搖晃晃的攻擊
- dull blow 遲鈍的打擊
- echoless blow 無聲的打擊
- every blow 每挨一打
- faithless blow 無信譽的打擊
- fatal blow 致命的打擊
- final blow 第一次動手
- finishing blow 最后的打擊
- first blow 第一次打擊
- frightful blow 可怕的打擊
- great blow 沉重的打擊
- hammer -like blow 像錘子一樣的打擊
- hard -dealt blow 狠狠的打擊
- head -on blow 迎頭痛擊
- heartless blow 無情的打擊
- heavy blow 強力的打擊
- hollow blow 虛張聲勢的打擊
- impending blow 即將發(fā)生的打擊
- implacable blow 難以平息的打擊
- ineffective blow 無效的打擊
- ineradicable blow 不可避免的打擊
- irreparable blow 無可挽救的打擊
- irresistible blow 無法抗拒的打擊
- knockout blow 打倒對手的打擊
- lethal blow 致命的打擊
- menaced blow 威脅性的打擊
- mortal blow 致命的打擊
- nasty blow 惡意的攻擊
- national blow 對國家的打擊
- painful blow 痛打
- percussive blow 令人震驚的打擊
- perennial blow 長期的打擊
- powerful blow 有力的打擊
- repeated blow 連續(xù)的打擊
- resounding blow 發(fā)出響聲的打擊
- sacrilegious blow 褻瀆的打擊
- sad blow 沉痛的打擊
- serious blow 沉重的打擊
- severe blow 嚴重的打擊
- sharpest blow 猛的一擊
- sledge hammer blow 重大的打擊
- solid blow 嚴肅的打擊
- staggering blow 搖搖晃晃的打擊
- strong blow 用力一擊
- sudden blow 突然一擊
- swashing blow 虛張聲勢的打擊
- swift blow 快速攻擊
- terrible blow 可怕的打擊
- threatened blow 恐嚇性的打擊
- unexpected blow 意外的打擊
- viciousblow 惡毒的打擊
- violent blow 猛擊
- well -directed blow 方向明確的攻擊
- death blow 致命打擊
- blow followed 接下來地打擊
- blow rained down upon 拳頭雨點般地打擊
- Jonathan Blow 喬納森·布洛;喬納生·布洛;人喬納森·布樓;設(shè)計師喬納森·布羅
- Blow water 吹水;吹
- blow molding 吹塑,吹塑法
- The blow 常勝將軍;反吹氣壓;熱身賽常勝將軍
- blow to something [口語]款待,請(客);對待(某事物)
- blow on v . 吹涼(食物);開爐
- blow in v . 偶然來訪;被風吹進;井噴;[美俚]揮霍
- wind blow 刮風
- blow off v . 放出;吹掉
- air blow 鼓風
- blow moulding [化]吹塑
- blow molding machine 吹塑機;吹塑成型機
- hard blow 重拳;猛擊
- blow hole 氣孔,氣眼;鑄件氣孔
- blow your nose 擦鼻涕,擤鼻涕
- be blown out [美國俚語](吸毒后)飄飄然 返回 blow