- Summary: The story follows a rookie cop named Taketora Shibata who, despite his childish looks of a middle-schooler, fights against juvenile crime and has the ability to see anything at a crime scene.
少年組新人刑警(連載開始時(shí)是于派出所執(zhí)勤)的柴田竹虎擁有分不出是初中生的外表,但是他比誰都更富有正義感,衷心相信犯過錯(cuò)的少年會(huì)更新改過。 - The story follows a rookie cop named Taketora Shibata who, despite his childish looks of a middle-schooler, fights against juvenile crime and has the ability to see anything at a crime scene.
有著一張可愛的娃娃臉,總是被誤認(rèn)成國中生的柴田竹虎,其實(shí)是立志成為少年組刑警的菜鳥警察。一天,他在死黨藤木小次郎的二手衣店,遇見一名順手牽羊的少女美月。 - Ogata Taketora
緒方竹虎(1888-1956),日本人,政治家。 返回 Taketora