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侯振江,張宗英,張淑敏.;腺苷脫氨酶測定的臨床應用 - Goldman, I.; Carnegie, J.; Marumo, M.; Marumo, D.; Kela, E.; Ntonga, S.; Mwale, E. 2000 Institutional support for sustainable rural livelihoods in Southern Africa: Framework and Methodology.
Goldman;I.;;Carnegie;J - 12 Tanaka Y, Enomoto N, Kojima S, Tang L, Goto M, Marumo F, Sato C. Detection of hepatitis C virus RNA in the liver by
11張長法;周永興;王春杰;姚志強.;地高辛標記探針原位雜交檢測肝組織中丙型肝炎病毒RNA - Author Song Xianchun;Lin Mingxing;Zhang Chengrui;AI Xing (Shandong University) Yasuo Marumo (Kumamoto University;Japan);
作者宋現春;林明星;張承瑞;艾興;丸茂康男; - Marumo Shigesada
丸茂重貞(1916-82),日本人,官員。 返回 Marumo