Isle of Man
- Iran has also set up its own shell companies from the Caribbean to the Isle of Man.
伊朗也成立了自己的空殼公司,遍布加勒比海以及曼島。 - In the meantime the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, like the foot-draggers, are deducting withholding tax from EU-resident savers anonymously, and answering specific requests for information.
與此同時,海峽群島和開曼群島,就如那些拖后腿的國家一樣,以匿名的方式減少歐盟居民存款者的預扣所得稅,并僅對具體信息的要求作出反應。 - New and old designs were dropped from the stern of a trawler and towed across the seabed off the Isle of Man.
試驗場地設在英國的曼恩島海域,兩個設計都被從拖船船尾放入海中,拖過海底。 - and,in a bit of 'movie magic,' the film re-creates 1937 New York in and around a vintage theater on the Isle Of Man in the Irish Sea. 返回 Isle of Man