- Check out this live streaming Watch Whisky Mature cam at the Scotch Whisky Distillery, Bruichladdich, on the Isle of Islay in Scotland.
直播觀看蘇格蘭威士忌釀酒廠釀造威士忌,在蘇格蘭艾萊島的布魯克萊迪克。 - printf("xnay islay eatergray anthay ynay!\n");
作者:佚名文章來源:不詳點(diǎn)擊數(shù):更新時(shí)間:2006-7-31 - “For the newcomer to Islay, this blend will serve as an easy introduction; for the connoisseur a gentle reminder of the island's varied pleasures.”
對于艾雷島的新愛好者,黑樽是非常適合的入門酒款;對于威士忌的鑑賞家,是享受艾雷島溫柔多變樂趣中的最佳代表。 返回 Islay